Monday, August 16, 2010


Gratitude Project
Day 4 – School

Today was my son’s first day of first grade in a new school. We were all nervous and excited. But right away he saw a girl he knew. And the teacher turned out to be lovely – gentle and kind, but firm – a 1,000% improvement over his Kindergarten teacher. The school is public, but run by the teachers. The overall vibe is a happy and relaxed one – like everyone just really digs learning. As I walked to my car after the final farewell, I found myself whispering “thank you thank you thank you.” I am elated and so grateful to feel that my son will be well-cared for while simultaneously being well-educated.

There is an amazing non-profit you should know about called The Girl Effect. Check out their jaw-dropping promotional video. Basically, the concept is that if you educate girls in developing nations, they will do the hard work of DEVELOPING THE NATION. Education of girls is linked to higher levels of everything good (literacy, infant/maternal health, economic prosperity) and lower levels of everything bad (HIV infection, poverty, malnutrition, political unrest). Education really is key – to surviving – to thriving – to peace.

I am grateful that I was born in 1970. That, despite being a girl, my family encouraged me to go to college, and that I was able to enter a college of my choice. I’m grateful for all the things I studied, for all the professors who prodded me to ask bigger questions, for the chance to learn, to think, to investigate, to explore. I use my education everyday. It is the very best gift my parents gave me. I look forward to giving it to my own children and to other children whose parents are whispering “thank you thank you thank you” as they drive away from the campus, leaving their precious ones in my care.


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